Harvest Law Accounts Software is designed keeping in mind the management information and accounting needs of a legal firm at all times. The software is designed knowing that the person using it may not have any bookkeeping or accounting knowledge. We are confident that with the appropriate training any staff member will be able to pick up and use this system, delivering an accurate set of accounts to your reporting accountant at each year end.
We are always open to customer requests and are dedicated to providing yearly upgrades to the software incorporating these requests.
Some features of Harvest Legal Accounts Software include:
- Auto-balancing of all accounting records
- Continual agreement of client ledger with client bank accounts thereby saving your reporting accountants time
- Easy to produce and read management information reports
- Automatic handling of VAT (Invoice or Cash Receipts)
- Cheque Requisitions
- Cheque Printing
- Time Recording module
- Archive System
- Built in backup and restore options
- Total confidentiality using password controlled access to different levels of the system
As Harvest Law can do much more for you than is listed here, click here if you would like to schedule a demonstration of the product.